Half-Blood: A Covenant Novel

Alexandria/Alex is a half-blood, and her mother pulled her out of the Covenant to protect her from a dangerous future. When things get out of hand, and thinking that her mother had died, she battles daimons on her own until the Sentinels managed to rescue her. Speaking of Sentinels, OH MY AIDEN. There are no words to describe how freaking excited i got every time the story shifts to him. His relationship with Alex, though, is deemed impossible since Aiden is a pure-blood. I love how the story doesn't focus too much on their relationship, and that it wasn't the "i just met you but you are my life now" kind. Aiden helps her train and get back into shape if she wants to be accepted back into the Covenant. Things turn sour when his step-father Lucian pays the school a visit, along with Seth. Seth is the Apollyon, and she gets quite a shock when they both realize what Alex really is after a chance encounter. Finding out her mother is alive but not quite brought more problems to the table and Alex must choose.
I've just finished reading it, and i want to read it again! No, i want to read the next book! Alex and Seth are going to be spending a lot of time together in training. and i know that'll bring a love-triangle into the scene. Until i am able to read it, i am going to sit here consumed with booklust for the rest of time until Pure (the second book) is released wonder where Jennifer Armentrout will take it.